Friday, January 21, 2005

God damn mother nature

First of all..whatever I said yesterday about doing shoulders and tris today, forget it. My body has officially caught up with me in terms of soreness. Sitting and standing is a challenge and I can only outstretch my arms to a certain extent. Showering and getting dressed was an interesting experience this morning. Granted, I'm all for working through the pain, but when you can't lift your arms over your head, well, it just ain't gonna happen. I should be good to go for Monday though, hopefully.

So besides that, I have my balls twisted over this goddamn nor'easter- conveniently hitting the NY metro area from Saturday afternoon through Sunday morning. Now, not for anything, any other night of the week and I wouldn't care. I'd probably be rooting for MORE snow if it were a weeknight, because that would mean a free day off from work. But of course it has to fall on the one night of the week that I absolutely live for and look forward to all week long. So fuck you mother nature for screwing up my weekend. And fuck you for the tsunami thing too. Cause you're responsible for both.

*counting the days until summer as I hobble my sore ass to the express bus in the frigid below zero wind chill*

Then I had my balls further twisted with Jay being, well, Jay and me being me the way I am. Enough about that though. Hopefully we'll spend a nice Saturday snowed in together.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Leg day

Holy Fucking SHIT

So just to update you, I did what I've been meaning to do for the past 2 years, and I got myself a personal trainer. I took the plunge. Charged it up on the ol' Visa card and signed my life away to a guy named James who's built like a tree trunk and doesn't let me do less than 10 reps of anything. Yesterday was our first day working out together. No sooner had I signed off on the disclaimer (not responsible if you die while working out with us, yadda yadda..) that I found myself working chest and biceps harder than I've probably ever worked them before. Anyways, that was all good, James is a super nice guy who knows good music and said I have a great build that he can definately put muscle on.

So today we do legs... Now granted, I've done legs on my own and I know that it sucks. It taxes your whole body and makes you feel like you just ran a marathon. But I knew that working legs with James the trainer was going to be 10 times harder. Damn did I hit the fuckin nail on the head on that one. The highlight was squatting 155, having to do 12 reps, and doing 360 on the leg press. I walked, well, hobbled back to the locker room and came THISCLOSE to throwing up. Luckily I didn't. I so didn't want to be "that guy". I hobbled back to work, ate a delicious smores protein bar and regained my equilibrium. The whole time I had visions of that old Fox "Boot Camp" reality show in my head where the people are like "I can't do this, I wasn't made for this" and promptly fall on the floor. I can't believe I'm paying 1600$ to be tortured like this. But I know it'll be worth it (if I live through it).James says I've already surpassed his expectations in how much I can lift, my form is great and I have great drive in the gym. I just hope I can continue to do so over the next two months.

Tomorrow...shoulders, back and tri's. After today, I think I can do anything.

Food of the gods...pure protein smores bars Posted by Hello

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


Spikez384: i just had a dream that u and i had an orgy , and the girl who was throwing it made us wear green condoms LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AIBOHPHOBIA- fear of palindromes

on my way to the gym now...

Saturday, January 15, 2005

In my pajamas

So yeah it's saturday and I have absolutely nothing to do. I don't plan on A) getting dressed or B) leaving the house at all (well, until tonight anyway). The family is out for the day- Tom at some weekend retreat thing in the ghettos of NJ and the 'rents taking grandma out to LI to put a deposit down on her new condo in the senior community out there. Score. So it's just me and the dog. And some frozen pizza. Betsios vs. Ellios. Betzio's wins. I'll probably spend most of the day hunched over my turntables trying to bang out another mix. Or organizing my shoebox full of unlabled blank tapes of my KTU shows from the past two years. I really should have been labeling them with the dates this whole time.

Oh, so BJ, Christie, Gelo and I went to Boulder Creek Steakhouse last night. It fuckin rocked- and only 87$ total for the four of us, considering we got 4 appetizers. I need a personal trainer. We watched "Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle" which was fuckin hysterical. Big thanks to Gary of Victory Blvd Blockbuster, who I worked with for years, for NOT crediting and giving me a free rental. What the fuck. I used to give people I HATED free rentals, just because, well, it was more habit than anything.

Ahh..Frozen Pizza ready...76g of carbs, 21 protein, 15 fat here I come

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Family Guy

I've been watching Family Guy every night before I go to bed, as I never bothered to watch the DVD sets of it that my brother bought a while back, so I'm catching up now. Fucking hilarious. But funnier than the "Aqua Teens"?..hmm. I'm going to plead the fifth and say "different kind of funny".

Damn you vile woman, you've impeded my work since the day I escaped your vile womb.

Stewie Posted by Hello

Monday, January 10, 2005

Having a moment here

An email I sent out tonight in a rare display of not being such a hardass...

Hey guys,

I just wanted to send you guys a big thank you for being there for me through all the events that have gone on since Christmas. These last couple of months have been extremely taxing on me given what's going on in my house, and in my head, but I feel so much better now that you guys know what's been going on with me for the past two years. It's a long time, I know, and I only wish I could have had the balls to tell you all sooner. Hopefully things will get better over time, but in the meantime it means a hell of a lot knowing Nancy is ready to kill to protect me and BJ is ready to incarcerate on a moments notice :-)
You know I don't get very, um, emotional towards anything on the surface, but just know now if I never said it before that you all mean a lot to me, and I'm a better person for having you all in my life. We've all been through a lot together, and we've all grown up a lot more now than ever. I mean, BJ has a fucking career. What's up with that?
Knowing that you guys don't see me any differently now than you did before makes up for all the negativity I have encountered. I have never been more happy to be around you all like I was this past weekend. The whole night of BJ's party, I really felt like I was the luckiest person in the world to have friends who never for a second thought to judge me, question me or ostracize me. If I could keep you all around me 24/7 I would, I've never been happier than the past couple of weeks when we've all been together, regardless of where we are or what we're doing.
As much as I love being with Jay, Jay doesn't even know me half as well as you guys do (right now BJ is thinking of a dirty response to that, I know) and my family, well, is my family. Each of you know me better than anyone else in the world, which is a big deal to me. It's going to take a long time before everything with me is "okay" again, and I'm going to need you all now more than ever to get there (well that and therapy- therapy here I come). I hope we can all be together again soon.

Love you all


Federico, Jen, Nancy, Me, BJ and Christie- June 2003 Posted by Hello

Thursday, January 06, 2005

I hate the treadmill every day

So I was flipping through a copy of Men's Health yesterday, and I decided that I've gotten WAY too fat in the past two months. Since November, I stopped going to the gym and started stretching the limits of how much food is too much food. I think a big turning point was New Year's Eve, where I consumed nothing but hors d'oeuvers for the entire length of the day. I ate nothing but Pigs In A Blanket (22 g of fat per 1 serving- 1 serving=5 pigs), Fried Raviolis and Bagel Bites. Oh and a piece of the birthday cake that Steven made for Paul's birthday.

So as of yesterday it was back to the gym. I've foregone my lifting regiment (if you can call it that) for a cardio and abs fest. I guess I'd rather enjoy a flat toned stomach than a more developed upper body at this point. Wish me luck. I managed to scrape out 1 mile on the treadmill my first day running.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Things That Make Me Happy...Part 1

I thought I would take this time, on an brutally slow work day, to take a closer look at some of the random things in life that make me happy, even when the rest of the world sucks...

Where else could 25 cents buy you such joy- oh wait, your mom....
I spent a better part of my childhood playing this game, among others. I thought enough of it that I went out and bought an upright arcade machine of it, because playing it on a game console just isn't the same. Anyways, Pac Man is a great stress reliever and I think there would be a lot less crime in the world if people played Pac Man instead of going out and killing one another. I don't like when people ask me "can you get to the last board?". Come on, EVERYONE knows there's no end to these games. Don't you think if there was some sort of mind blowing "end" to the game, you would know about it by now? Remember, we're talking 1980 here folks. This shit is one step above "Space Invaders". Honorable mention goes to Ms. Pac Man, Jr. Pac Man and Super Pac Man. Not to be forgotten is the rare, but admirable Pac N Pal.

Pac Man Posted by Hello