Thursday, January 20, 2005

Leg day

Holy Fucking SHIT

So just to update you, I did what I've been meaning to do for the past 2 years, and I got myself a personal trainer. I took the plunge. Charged it up on the ol' Visa card and signed my life away to a guy named James who's built like a tree trunk and doesn't let me do less than 10 reps of anything. Yesterday was our first day working out together. No sooner had I signed off on the disclaimer (not responsible if you die while working out with us, yadda yadda..) that I found myself working chest and biceps harder than I've probably ever worked them before. Anyways, that was all good, James is a super nice guy who knows good music and said I have a great build that he can definately put muscle on.

So today we do legs... Now granted, I've done legs on my own and I know that it sucks. It taxes your whole body and makes you feel like you just ran a marathon. But I knew that working legs with James the trainer was going to be 10 times harder. Damn did I hit the fuckin nail on the head on that one. The highlight was squatting 155, having to do 12 reps, and doing 360 on the leg press. I walked, well, hobbled back to the locker room and came THISCLOSE to throwing up. Luckily I didn't. I so didn't want to be "that guy". I hobbled back to work, ate a delicious smores protein bar and regained my equilibrium. The whole time I had visions of that old Fox "Boot Camp" reality show in my head where the people are like "I can't do this, I wasn't made for this" and promptly fall on the floor. I can't believe I'm paying 1600$ to be tortured like this. But I know it'll be worth it (if I live through it).James says I've already surpassed his expectations in how much I can lift, my form is great and I have great drive in the gym. I just hope I can continue to do so over the next two months.

Tomorrow...shoulders, back and tri's. After today, I think I can do anything.

Food of the gods...pure protein smores bars Posted by Hello


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