God damn mother nature
First of all..whatever I said yesterday about doing shoulders and tris today, forget it. My body has officially caught up with me in terms of soreness. Sitting and standing is a challenge and I can only outstretch my arms to a certain extent. Showering and getting dressed was an interesting experience this morning. Granted, I'm all for working through the pain, but when you can't lift your arms over your head, well, it just ain't gonna happen. I should be good to go for Monday though, hopefully.
So besides that, I have my balls twisted over this goddamn nor'easter- conveniently hitting the NY metro area from Saturday afternoon through Sunday morning. Now, not for anything, any other night of the week and I wouldn't care. I'd probably be rooting for MORE snow if it were a weeknight, because that would mean a free day off from work. But of course it has to fall on the one night of the week that I absolutely live for and look forward to all week long. So fuck you mother nature for screwing up my weekend. And fuck you for the tsunami thing too. Cause you're responsible for both.
*counting the days until summer as I hobble my sore ass to the express bus in the frigid below zero wind chill*
Then I had my balls further twisted with Jay being, well, Jay and me being me the way I am. Enough about that though. Hopefully we'll spend a nice Saturday snowed in together.
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