Around a year ago at this time, I posted about how I was so proud of myself that I charged up a ridiculous amount of money on my Visa card to get a personal trainer. Well, what a difference a year makes. The trainer is still around, my body has grown a lot (still a work in progress though!) and one year later I figured why not take another interesting foray into self-improvement and get myself a shrink. After all, given all of the emotional scarring of 2005, a therapist (or "the-rapist" as Jay calls it) might be a great way to get some insight into what makes me tick and maybe me help me to understand myself a little bit better. Without getting too esoteric, I will simply state that after only 3 or 4 sessions, I really believe that the "the-rapist" was an excellent decision. It's so much fun to sit there and ramble for 45 minutes to someone who is in no way judging you. It definately makes me feel better about myself.
In other news, I'm happy to report that after two long years of hemming and hawing, Hosh Gureli has finally "officially" made himself my manager and Marc Katz has signed on to be my booking agent. That's a fuckin dream team and a half right there, if I do say so myself. I couldn't have orchestrated it better!
Now I'm ready to conquer the world. And make some money in the process!!