Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Honey We're Killing The Kids

You know- I nearly got through four paragraphs about this show before I erased it all. I really have to learn that sometimes getting to the heart of the matter can be done in a few sentences. With that said, the only thing I really wanted to say about this show (it's on TLC, it's about changing a family lifestyle to improve diet and exercise, yadda yadda) is that if you want to change a fat, lazy 10 year old child's diet- a child who is used to eating pizza and fast food every day of his or her obese life- you don't start by making them eat vegetable stir fry with tofu. It's simply inconceivable. Why not give them a nice grilled chicken dish? Try easing vegetables in as a side dish. Broccoli with cheese maybe. Baby steps.

But no...This asshole Nazi doctor woman on the show tells the parents to feed the kid bok choi and tofu the VERY FIRST FUCKING NIGHT. Good job.

I want my child to look like this at 40.


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