If You Want A Great Meal Without A Big Deal
Every once in a while a food product comes along that is just so enticing, so damn sexy, that it becomes my mission to eat it, regardless of the nutritional pitfalls it may present. It's interesting to note that, in many ways, things aren't much different from the days of being so taken with the idea of Pac-Man cereal that it became my top priority in the world to eat it. And while the days of puffed corn Pac-Men and his marshmallow tormentors have long since disappeared, I do still enjoy a hearty breakfast once in a while, which leads me to my current food fascination..
Now breakfast, in general, is not a meal I take lightly. I always go out of my way to eat a healthy breakfast, usually oatmeal, fruit, egg whites...things of that nature. But once in a while, especially after a night of heavy drinking, nothing hits the spot like a good, greasy "bacon egg and cheese on a roll". Capitalizing on that guilty pleasure, the good folks at Nestle Foods have concocted an unhealthy breakfast spinoff of one of my more prudent nutritional staples (the almighty Lean Pocket Ultra Meatballs & Mozzarella)....
Described on the Hot Pockets website as: "Fluffy eggs and savory bacon inside a tasty tender biscuit crust. The perfect hearty sandwich when you're on-the-go!"
Boy they weren't kidding. As a Lean Pockets Ultra enthusiast, I felt somewhat dirty crossing on to the wrong side of the tracks and purchasing the "unhealthy" type of Hot Pocket sandwich, complete with 13g of fat in one little artificial biscuit. But I couldn't resist. I at least had to TRY them. And I'm happy to report, as I sit here enjoying it on the last day of my pointless 3 week consultation job, that it was well worth it. With a banana and Kellog's Smart Start breakfast bar meaningless thrown to the side of the desk, today is the day for the biscuit pocket to shine.
A little smaller in size than a CD, the biscuit is as light and fluffy as promised (although if I were home I would totally be putting butter spray on it) and the inside is a breakfast orgy of bright yellow egg-list-substance, blazingly bright stringy cheese and brown bits of bacon-ish meat. It took about 10 bites to eat and truth be told, I could most likely easily inhale two of these if I wanted.
Tomorrow, I'll be back to fruit and healthy heart oatmeal, but my little fling with the breakfast orgy biscuit will not be forgotten, and will most likely happen again in my next moment of weakness in the frozen foods aisle. Good job Hot Pockets. You've done it again.
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